Plastic Butterflies






Shall I put a to-do list here? Perhaps I'll leave a note for future me.

I'll make this thing mobile responsive. I visited on my phone once and my brain shorted out. Will likely change the body font to a different pixel font than the header on the Gallery page.

Want to add webring/buttons in the lower right hand corner, and a guestbook page somewhere.


Early May 2022: Finally made nav bars uniform between index and gallery.

Late April 2022: Created website from a sadgrl layout. Adjusted sidebar and font sizes. Made a logo and turned the site various hues and shades of violet. Made link color change on hover and click (this was more difficult for me than I had anticipated). Learned how to use custom fonts on neocities. Made a gallery page and uploaded 1 (one) piece of mine. Found a way to use my own cursor icon in CSS. Injected javascript for animated cursor sparkles into index HTML. Attempted to use SCM player on site. Left its shell there as a decoration. Cleared cache many times throughout all of this.